
Our library is managed by our Librarian, who is supported by our year 6 students. Every child has access to our library through their weekly or fortnightly library sessions. All year levels enjoy storytelling and shared reading time, led by their teacher. Students are able to access a wide variety of Fiction and Non-Fiction books, including the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s award-winning books, and a selection of new books is delivered from Lamont Books every month.

Students in Prep – Year 2 are encouraged to borrow weekly, with a large range of books available. Our Year 3 – Year 6 students not only select a ‘free choice’ book each time they visit, but engage with the Lexile Literacy Pro program, which matches students with books that are relevant to their ability as well as their particular interests.

We also are a part of the Scholastic Book Club program, which gives families the opportunity to purchase books at a discounted price. Catalogues are sent home twice a term, and it is a great program to help foster a life-long love of reading, both in school and at home.

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